Good news, everyone!
Not long ago, I mentioned plans to write a devlog about extracting a Bounded Context from a monolith.
However, when I started writing, I quickly encountered some challenges. The details I needed to share, especially concrete examples, were a bit sensitive and beyond my authority to approve.
Sure, I could make up different examples—and I tried—but the quality suffered. It sounded too theoretical and insincere. To be brutally honest, my YouTube channel is already a sufficient creative outlet for that type of content.
As I saw it, I had two options:
Start an engineering blog at TransferGo.
Choose key patterns or principles and create blog posts or videos.
An engineering blog was quickly ruled out so I decided to go with option 2.
I believe aligning my content creation with my daily work adds significant value. Effort in one area boosts the other, while also sharing meaningful insights and advice by documenting the journey.
Undeterred, I kept writing.
During a regular call with my manager, I mentioned the idea. He suggested reaching out to one of our Engineering Directors who oversees our Architecture Board. We had a chat, he loved the idea, and recognised its value for the company.
He suggested forming a small group to help, consisting of ourselves, a few engineers, my EM, our Head of Communication, and our CTO.
Naturally, I was delighted!
I haven't fully decided on the format for everything. I have four articles drafted, and I'm sure one would make a good video. I know the process is going to take some time to perfect, but that’s also part of the journey.
Finally, I didn’t want to forget to mention the context: Profiles.
It's a highly coupled concept within our systems at TransferGo, and simply defining it is its own challenge!
I’m grateful for everyone who has subscribed and I’m excited to share the journey - the good, the bad, and the ugly!